Oct 5, 2015
“I Am the Good Shepherd” Associate Pastor of Children and Family Ministries Bo Mircea
This Sunday we are looking at another “I am” saying: I am the Good Shepherd. John 10:1-11. As we explore John 10:1-11, we will look at the balance between knowing who God is and trusting and following Him. While this passage speaks volumes about the character of God, it also encourages us to look at our own lives and respond by putting our trust in Him.
  • Oct 5, 2015“I Am the Good Shepherd” Associate Pastor of Children and Family Ministries Bo Mircea
    Oct 5, 2015
    “I Am the Good Shepherd” Associate Pastor of Children and Family Ministries Bo Mircea
    This Sunday we are looking at another “I am” saying: I am the Good Shepherd. John 10:1-11. As we explore John 10:1-11, we will look at the balance between knowing who God is and trusting and following Him. While this passage speaks volumes about the character of God, it also encourages us to look at our own lives and respond by putting our trust in Him.
  • Oct 5, 2015“I Am the Vine” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    Oct 5, 2015
    “I Am the Vine” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    This Sunday I am preaching on the “I Am the Vine” saying. The Sermon scripture passages are John 15:1-11 and Isaiah 5:1-7 as the Old Testament background for Jesus’ teaching. Jesus speaks these words so that “his joy might be in us and our joy would be complete.”
  • Oct 5, 2015“For All Who Face Death: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life.’” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    Oct 5, 2015
    “For All Who Face Death: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life.’” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    The Sermon scripture passages are John 11:17-27, 32-43 and Mark 16:1-7. Jesus speaks these words so that “whoever believe in [him] will live even though they die.” For “whoever lives by believing in [him] will never die.” That’s Easter Hope and Resurrection Reality for anyone who trusts in Jesus.
  • Oct 5, 2015“Live In Easter Hope: There’s A World Out There.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    Oct 5, 2015
    “Live In Easter Hope: There’s A World Out There.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    The sermon text is Acts 1:6-8. Jesus asks us to be witnesses for him in our world.
  • Oct 5, 2015“Do you love Jesus?” Associate Pastor Dale Ambler
    Oct 5, 2015
    “Do you love Jesus?” Associate Pastor Dale Ambler
    We’ll dive into this question through the words of John’s text, John 21:1-19, with the heart of the sermon being on John 21:15-19.
  • Oct 5, 2015“Journey Outward; Journey Inward.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    Oct 5, 2015
    “Journey Outward; Journey Inward.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    The sermon texts are Mark 1:16-20 and Matthew 28:16-20. We find Jesus saying, “Go...Make...Teach...” to his followers.
  • Oct 5, 2015Intentional Faith Development Associate Pastor Dale Ambler
    Oct 5, 2015
    Intentional Faith Development Associate Pastor Dale Ambler
    Using Luke 5:1-11, we will look at what it means to grow in Christ—to be a true disciple of Christ. It’s about what we do as followers of Christ outside of our weekly time in worship.
  • Oct 5, 2015“Look Upward: Passionate Worship.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    Oct 5, 2015
    “Look Upward: Passionate Worship.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr
    The Scripture Texts are Mark 6:1-6, Luke 4:16-19, and Isaiah 55:1-9. We are focusing on “Living Church Practices” in this sermon series.
  • Oct 5, 2015Irresistible Hospitality Associate Pastor Dale Ambler
    Oct 5, 2015
    Irresistible Hospitality Associate Pastor Dale Ambler
    “This week we will look at the inward and outward character traits of Christians regarding hospitality. My sermon text comes to us from Romans 15:1-13, and it looks at Paul’s thoughts on what has been promised since God first chose Abraham to be made into a great nation. And as we look at the inward and outward nature of hospitality in Christians, we will live out a wonderful example in the confirming of eight young adults who will publicly remember their baptism and profess their faith at the 10:35 a.m. service. Many see confirmation as simply the day in which they join the church, but the real importance of Confirmation is in the accepting of the vows made originally in baptism—the confession of Jesus Christ as Lord of his or her life and the commitment to live as a disciple of Jesus.”
  • Oct 5, 2015“Generosity; Many Forms.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr; “Generosity; Many Forms.”
    Oct 5, 2015
    “Generosity; Many Forms.” Senior Pastor Craig Herr; “Generosity; Many Forms.”
    The sermon text is from John 15:1-17. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”